
May 6, 2020

ESP32-S2 Hack Chat with Adafruit: A New video by Adafruit Industries

ESP32-S2 Hack Chat with Adafruit

After being announced in September of 2019, the ESP32-S2 is finally making it into hobbyist’s hands. On the face of it, the S2 seems less capable than the ESP32, with a single core and no Bluetooth or Ethernet. But the S2 more than makes up for that with a much faster CPU, scads more GPIO, more ADCs, a RISC-V co-processor, native USB, and the promise of very low current draw. It could be that the ESP32-S2 proves to be even more popular as it becomes established.

To talk us through the new chip’s potential, Limor “Ladyada” Fried and Scott Shawcroft, both of Adafruit Industries, will join us on the Hack Chat. Come along and learn everything you need to know about the ESP32-S2, and how to put it to work for you.

Join the Hack Chat and return this Wednesday at 12:00PM PDT with your questions!

Have an interesting project you’re working on? Have something you’d like to discuss? Why not host a Hack Chat? Just stop by our easy sign-up form and tell us what you want to discuss!

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