
July 4, 2017

Nell Melino @female_lead @NellMerlino #SHESMYINSPIRATION #takethelead @adafruit #adafruit: A New video by Adafruit Industries

Nell Melino @female_lead @NellMerlino #SHESMYINSPIRATION #takethelead @adafruit #adafruit
The Female Lead is a non-profit organisation dedicated to making women’s stories more visible and offering alternative role models to those ever-present in popular culture. Founded by data pioneer and entrepreneur Edwina Dunn, the project highlights the breadth of female achievement in order to offer inspiration for future generations.

The Female Lead creates a variety of spaces to present these stories including a book of 60 amazing women from around the world (launching in February 2017), an online and social media presence, and an outreach programme for girls in schools, celebrating female role models who shape the world.

Nell Merlino, who grew up in Trenton, New Jersey and is now based in New York, began her career as a union activist, set up her own communications business, and has worked on various political campaigns, and on many projects that support women in business and leadership. These include Take Our Daughters to Work Day, which she created in 1993, and which has since inspired millions of girls – and, since 2003, boys too.

In 1999 she founded Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence, now the leading US not-for-profit provider of resources for women who want to grow their businesses. She is also chair of the Personal Data Independence Trust at Personal BlackBox, a company that champions personal data independence.

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