Product Showcase: Pioneer IoT Add-On Shield: A New video by SparkFun Electronics
Product Showcase: Pioneer IoT Add-On Shield
SparkFun Next to One Plant features: The Pioneer IoT Add-On Shield. It is a unique board designed to add more functionality to the PSoC 6 from Cypress while remaining useful and practical for plenty of other Internet of Things applications. Each Add-On Shield is a pretty simple board with an equally simple layout that provides XBee, (Qwiic)( and microSD functionality not only to the PSoC 6 but also to any board with an Arduino R3 shield format. On top of designing this board with a reliable IoT performance, we have written a guide that will show you how to communicate with a Raspberry Pi via Bluetooth and WiFi, as well as how to communicate between a PSoC 4 BLE Pioneer Board and the PSoC 6 Pioneer Board via Bluetooth Low Energy.
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