Product Showcase: YARD Stick One – USB Wireless Transceiver: A New video by SparkFun Electronics
Product Showcase: YARD Stick One – USB Wireless Transceiver
YARD Stick One:
ANT500 Antenna:
Andrew Nohawk – hacking fixed key remotes with rfcat:
The YARD Stick One is a USB wireless transceiver from Great Scott Gadgets that can transmit or receive digital RF signals in the 300-348MHz, 391-464MHz, and 782-928MHz bands. The sub-1 GHz radio is capable of data rates up to 500 kbps and works with ASK, OOK, GFSK, 2-FSK, 4-FSK, and MSK modulation schemes. The module is built around the TI CC1111 RF chip and comes pre-installed with the rfcat firmware.