SHOW and TELL 5/27/2020: A New video by Adafruit Industries
SHOW and TELL 5/27/2020
SHOW and TELL 5/27/2020
Kevin (Digi-Key) @1:40- light-up emblem using NRF52 bluefruit
Melissa @6:36- transferring display IO code from PyPortal to Raspberry Pi
Scott @10:35 – debugging ESP32S2
Liz @12:52 – xylophone midi-bluetooth synth play along
Bryan @16:25- Saleae Plug-in
Collin @22:12 – location tracker and temperature log app
Noe and Pedro @28:17 – mini fume extractor battery and 3D printed NES cartridge and tray
Tim @33:14 – HP35 calculator circa 1972
Chris D. @35:15- coin switch for greedy gargoyle using Hallowing and Circuit Playground Bluefruit
Danon @40:00 – Dalek Robot using Sphero RVR
Orlando @42:05- bluetooth audio adapter using RN-52 bluetooth controller